Sunday school
Every Sunday morning, we provide Christian Education classes from 9:15am-10:00am. We currently have a Toddler class (2-5), a Lower-Elementary class (5-7), an Upper- Elementary class (8-11), a Middle/High School class (12-17), and an Adult class (18+).
For each youth class, our focus is on understanding what God has said to us in his Word (Instruction in the Bible) and on how to faithfully confess the truths of the Bible in our own words (Instruction in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms).
The Adult class includes units on biblical theology, systematic theology, church history, and Christian living.
Covenant Childcare
We believe our children are a part of our church’s covenant community, for the promises of our God extend to the entire family, and our Savior welcomes the praises of children. So, we welcome them to worship with the rest of the congregation. We do not provide an alternate worship service or “Children’s Church” for them. However, we do provide safe and loving childcare for children ages 0-3 during our 10:30am service. Our childcare volunteers are grateful for the opportunity to serve families by caring for their children during worship. Covenant Childcare is provided off of the front foyer of the church, next to the women’s bathroom. You may obtain a copy of our Covenant Childcare policies located in our childcare room.

On the First Friday of every month, our church family gathers together at 6:30pm in the narthex of our church for a time of dessert felllowship, a time of Q&A with Pastor Bob, and a season of intercessory and evagelistic prayer. We pray for the lost we know personally, for our own church’s growth, for the church plants in our presbytery, for the foreign missionaries we support, and for other evangelistic ministries in the OPC. All are welcome!
Women’s Bible StudY
Our women are currently studying Prayers of the Bible by Susan Hunt on Saturdays at 9am at the church.