We believe that Jesus Christ is the sole Head and King of His church. However, when he ascended into heaven, he received gifts for his church and gave offices to men, which are now necessary for the building of his church, for making disciples of all nations, and perfecting his saints (Ephesians 4:7-13). Today, Christ continues to rule his church through men set apart by the Holy Spirit to serve as ministers (pastors), ruling elders, and deacons.
Ministers represent Christ’s office of prophet, as they speak the Word of God to God’s people. Ruling elders represent Christ’s office of king, as they rule, shepherd, and oversee God’s flock. Deacons represent Christ’s office of priest, as they serve those who are in need of mercy and practical assistance. All of Christ’s church officers serve on His behalf and must conduct their ministry with all godliness.
Our minister (pastor) is the only leader who is called full-time labor and employed by the church. Our ruling elders and deacons serve on a volunteer capacity. Our pastor and ruling elders together form an authoriative body, called the Session. The Session is responsible for shepherding the flock and overseeing the various ministries of the church. Our deacons together form the church’s Diaconate, and they oversee the congregation’s calling to serve one another in practical ways as often as the trials of life threaten to diminish their joy in Christ.

About Bob Holda
Pastor Bob was ordained to the gospel ministry in October of 2016 and was installed as Associate Pastor of Apple Valley Presbyterian Church in Neenah, WI with a call to serve as RPC’s church planting pastor. In October of 2021, Bob was called to serve as the Pastor of RPC after it was organized as a particular church of the OPC’s Presbytery of Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Bob grew up in a Christian home in the Chicagoland suburbs and attended nondenominational, baptist, evangelical, and charismatic churches with his family. He first encountered reformed theology in his twenties and has come to heartily agree with the late, Dr. B.B. Warfield that the Reformed Faith is “Biblical Christianity come into its own.” He and his wife, Grace, met in their mid-20’s and married one and a half years later. They now have three children: Elaina (7), Verity (5), and Allen (3).
Before he pursued full-time gospel ministry, Bob earned a B.A. in Elementary Education in 2005 from Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, IL and his M.A. in Educational Administration from Aurora University in Aurora, IL in 2011. He also worked in the field of education in the Chicagoland suburbs in various capacities for 8 years prior to attending seminary. He received his M.Div. from Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, IN in 2016. He currently serves the The OPC’s Presbytery of the Midwest as its Parliamentarian, as a member of its Christian Education Committee, and as chairman of its Youth Committee.
In addition to spending time with his family and explaining the Bible, Pastor Bob enjoys playing guitar, singing, reading, speaking Spanish, playing board games, and meeting new people.

Ruling Elder
About Eric Johnson
Eric was born and raised in southern New Jersey in a Christian family. He attended Baptist and Christian Missionary Alliance churches growing up. He was first ordained as a ruling elder at Apple Valley Presbyterian Church in 1995.
Eric met his wife, Barbara, in 1986. They discovered the Reformed Faith together, became members of a PCA congregation in Hockessin, DE and were married in 1990. The Johnsons have two children and two grandchildren. Their youngest daughter, Becky is an accomplished musician.
Eric graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology and the University of Massachusetts with degrees in Chemical Engineering and specialization in polymer processing. He recently retired from Kimberly-Clark where he worked in research as a patent facilitator, helping inventors identify and file patents to protect their innovations.
As a cancer survivor, Eric has an particular empathy for those who are battling various types of cancer. In his spare time, Eric is an organic gardener and a voracious reader.

Ruling Elder
About Michael Smith
Michael was ordained to the gospel ministry in 1990 in Waukegan, IL within the Baptist General Conference (Converge) and he served as the pastor of a non-denominational church in Oshkosh (RiverValley) for 19 years. He was ordained as a ruling elder at RPC on October 28, 2018.
Michael’s hometown is Joliet, IL, but he also spent some of his elementary years in Nashville, TN. He moved back to Joliet with his mom and three brothers during his freshman year of high school. That’s when he met his future bride, Cindy Smith (yes, that’s her maiden name). They were married in 1981, after Michael spent 8 years convincing Cindy that keeping her last name was a good thing. Michael and Cindy have four adult children and two grandchildren. Both of their sons have died from Cystic Fibrosis. Their eldest daughter lives in Oshkosh with her husband and two children. Their second daughter also lives in Oshkosh and is pursuing a cosmetology degree.
Although Michael taught the Bible from a fundamentalist and dispensational perspective for many years, his faith has Presbyterian roots. His paternal grandfather was a Presbyterian pastor in Des Moines, IA and during junior high Michael was regenerated at the First Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN. Michael and Cindy joined the OPC in 2013 when they became members of Apple Valley Presbyterian Church in Neenah, WI. Since then, they have come to see the blessedness of a confessionally reformed church life. The Smiths have been part of RPC’s core group since 2016.
Before he entered the ministry, Michael earned an undergraduate degree in communications from Wheaton College and served in a para-church youth ministry in Joliet. He also served as the associate pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Waukegan, IL while acquiring a Masters of Divinity degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) in Deerfield, IL. After TEDS, he pastored at RiverValley Church in Oshkosh. He now works for Lakeland University as an Adjunct Instructor of their religious courses and for Oshkosh and Fond du Lac schools as a substitute teacher. Cindy works in Fond du Lac as a Reading Specialist.
Michael loves to read and write. He is working his way through Biblical Theology by Geerhardus Vos with help from Vos Group on ReformForum.org. He also loves to read the works of C.S. Lewis, especially the Chronicles of Narnia. Michael delights to run long distance races and has completed the Chicago and Philadelphia marathons. He hopes to run more if the Lord wills and if his knees hold up.

Ruling Elder
About Richard Basiliere
Richard was raised in Oshkosh and attended both Oshkosh North High School and UW Oshkosh, where he graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice. Richard has worked as an Investigator at different levels and has functioned in local and state government for over twenty-five years. Although Richard attended church while he was a youth, he was a prodigal son, and he did not come to faith in Jesus Christ until he was twenty-eight years old. After realizing the gracious love of God through Jesus Christ, God continued to guide Richard’s life. By God’s enduring patience and faithfulness, and with the help of Ligonier Ministries, Richard grew in his faith in Christ as he came to understand that the doctrines associated with the reformed tradition offers the best framework in which to understand the truth of Holy Scripture. Richard has been a member of Resurrection Presbyterian Church (RPC) since 2017. Richard has been honored to serve the Lord and his beloved church as a Deacon since February 2022. Richard has further been blessed to serve by leading a men’s study group, teaching Middle/High School students in Sunday School, and by serving on RPC’s Board of Trustees. Richard was elected to serve as a Ruling Elder at RPC on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 and was ordained and installed to that office on Sunday, February 18th, 2024.
Along with the enjoyment of spending time with his wife, Richard enjoys the outdoors, wildlife, hiking, biking, kayaking, cross country skiing, and fishing. Mostly, Richard enjoys reading, learning, understanding God’s Word, and applying those truths to life. In addition to enjoying the growth that is accompanied by partaking in the ministries within the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and RPC, Richard and his wife, Annette, enjoy the ministries of Alistair Begg (Truth for Life), John MacArthur (Grace to You) and the late R.C. Sproul (Ligonier Ministries).
Richard has been married to his wife, Annette, for almost 30 years. Richard and Annette have two adult children – Alexander and Olivia.

About Michael Marshall

About Kevin Schippman
The Savior broke through and helped him reach back to the spiritual truths he’d learned as a child. Through the teaching ministry of a pastor, Kevin submitted his life to Christ and grew in the faith.
Kevin’s professional life has used many God-given skills of carpentry and service. KNS Carpentry has been his business for more than four decades.
He has been sober since 1987 and has a ministry alongside those who desire to be free from addictions.
Kevin met Gail in 1989 and married her in 1990. They attended and helped in the early years of two Evangelical Free churches in Ripon and Berlin. In the midst of church shutdowns during COVID 19, the Schippmans searched out a church community that was more reverent in its worship. They began attending RPC in 2021 and became members in 2022. Learning about reformed traditions and theology, they are thankful to have been warmly welcomed at RPC. Kevin underwent officer training in 2023, was then elected to the office of Deacon on February 3, 2024, and was ordained and installed on February 18, 2024.

About Pieter Zekveld
Pete was born to Christian parents and was raised in the biblical, reformed faith. He grew up on the family farm and in his early teens was involved in a farm accident. The Lord graciously used this farm accident to get his attention and call him to repentance and faith.
By God’s grace, Pete met the love of his life, Rachel, in 2006 and they were married in 2008. The Lord has blessed their marriage with six children that Rachel homeschools.
In 2022 they joined Resurrection Presbyterian Church as a family. Pete was elected to the office of deacon on February 3, 2024 and was ordained and installed on February 18, 2024.
Pete works as a truck driver in the construction industry and enjoys his time off from work working with his family on their little hobby farm.